[Comm Service] Blender 3D Training

Community Service is an academic community activity that utilizes science and technology to advance the welfare of society and educate the nation’s life. Lecturers as one part of the academic community, have an obligation to carry out community service activities.

Diploma of Application Software Engineering (D3 RPLA) is a study program at the School of Applied Sciences, Telkom University. Lecturers at D3 RPLA usually carry out community service activities in the form of services, for example, training in the use of information communication technology (ICT) in the form of desktop application, mobile application, or web application.

Recently, lecturers at D3 RPLA held an event of community service with the title “Digital Modeling and 3D Visualization Using 3D Blender”. This event was held at High School Igasar Pindad on June 20, 2019. This event purpose is to providing knowledge about how to use the 3D Blender Desktop Application to make a 3D model that will be implemented into a multimedia application.

This event is lectured by 3 lecturers in D3 RPLA, namely Amir Hasanudin Fauzi, Rahmadi Wijaya, and Rizza Indah Mega Mandasari. It is really a great hope of the lecturer teams so that their knowledge can be useful not only for themselves and students in their study program. However, it can also be useful for others. So that the Tri Dharma of higher education can be implemented well.

This article is another version of this post about community service.

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