
Road to General Lecture

On August 27, 2019, D3RPLA – Diploma of Application Software Engineering (formerly, Diploma of Informatics Engineering), Faculty of Applied Sciences, Telkom University, will hold a general lecture with the topic “Information Technology to Face the Industrial Era 4.0”. This is a big event for D3RPLA study program because it was attended by all students in […]

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Blender 3D Training

Several days ago, a Community Service with the title “Digital Modeling and Basic 3D Visualization Training Using 3D Blender” event was held. The partner of this activity is SMK Igasar Pindad. See how it goes in this video below. Hopefully, through this activity, it brings great benefits to the community partners and our study program.

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ASIC Certification for D3RPLA

Several months ago, Diploma of Application Software Engineering/D3RPLA (formerly D3 Informatics Engineering), School of Applied Sciences, Telkom University, has been visited by an assessor of the ASIC accreditation program (Accreditation Service for International Schools). Alhamdulillah, praise for the Lord, D3RPLA study program has received Premier status of ASIC’s program. Hopefully, this achievement will improve D3RPLA […]

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Hasil Sidang Yudisium Juli 2017

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Pembukaan Pendaftaran Asprak

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim [INFO][REKRUITASI ASPRAK][2017/2018] Pride dan Gear Lab membuka pendaftaran asprak. Info selengkapnya bisa dilihat di : (link artikel di website. D3IF) Alur Pendaftaran : 1. Calon Asprak mengisi form pendaftaran di : , tgl 6-15 Juni 2017 2. Jika batas pendaftaran sudah berakhir, calon asprak akan mendapatkan email yang berisi : jadwal ujian tulis […]

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Juara Favorit di HackFest 2017

Pada HackFest (Hackathon I-Fest) 2017 yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta 12-13 Mei 2017, tim Lidah Kurrow berhasil meraih Juara Favorit. Tim ini beranggotakan 4 mahasiswa Prodi D3 Teknik Informatika (Fakultas Ilmu Terapan) & 1 mahasiswa Prodi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi (Fakultas Teknik Elektro), Telkom University: Muhammad Firdaus H. (6706144008) Setya Kristyastama (6706144040) Moh. […]

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Cooperation Gallery


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Industrial Cooperation

DAQRI – United States of America. DAQRI is a technology company in the United States who are developing the technology Smart Helmet technology-based on Augmented Reality PT XSIS Mitra Utama Established in 2005, PT. Xsis Mitra Utama (Xsis) is known as an IT player company who provides IT Expert Service, System Development Service, IT […]

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