
[Comm Service] Pengembangan Web App di PT Anugrah Laut Indonesia

PT. Anugrah Laut Indonesia (ALI Seafood) merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi dan perdagangan produk laut. Didirikan pada tahun 2015 di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Dimulai sebagai pemasok untuk pengemasan lokal dan pasar tradisional produk laut, ALI Seafood telah memperluas bisnis sebagai pengolah dan pengekspor produk laut yang menargetkan pasar makanan laut di […]

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Student’s Appreciation Program for National Event

Diploma 3 of Software Engineering Application study program appreciate their student’s participation in national event. Read more about this news in Apresiasi Prodi terhadap Program Event Nasional (Indonesian version only).

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Student’s Competence Appreciation

As a token of appreciation, Diploma of Software Engineering Application Telkom University, provides a reward(s) for student’s competencies or activities. However, it comes with document administration that the student has to fulfil in advanced. Documents about this program available on Indonesian only. You can check these documents in this post.

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[Comm Service] Web Catalogue for Kossuma

A few days ago, 2 groups from D3RPLA Study Program Telkom University collaborated with Salimah Kossuma (Koperasi Syariah Usaha Salimah) in Bandung to create a web catalogue. This website is intended so that Kossuma can carry out the business with IT support in the middle of the pandemic situation. These groups have member: Cahyana, Reza […]

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Become a D3 RPLA

The name changes of D3IF to D3RPLA is based on the decision of the Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek Dikti in Indonesia) No. 747 / KPT / I / 2018.

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UI/UX Design: Lecture by Practitioner

On Friday, December, 13th. Diploma of Application Software Engineering collaborate with others diploma on School of Applied Science held public lecture with Pasca Susena H. S.Ds., M.Ds. Hopefully, this event open student’s knowledge about how design is made.

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Student’s IoT-Product Exhibition

On December 10, student’s of Diploma of Application Software Engineering, held an exhibition of Internet of Things (IoT) products. These products are built as an assignment for Sensor-Based Programming course. Students are supervised by Fath’ah Nur P. and Mia Rosmiati which are the lecturer of this course. Many things are built by them to help […]

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Inauguration of the Dean & Vice Dean of FIT 2019-2024

Today, Telkom University held an inauguration of Dean & Vice Dean on its faculty. School of Applied Sciences, as one of the faculty in Telkom University, also has the new officials for that position. Congratulation for Dr Arfianto Fahmi, Mr Tri Brotoharsono, and Mr Agus Pratondo. Hopefully, you can make Tel-U Vocational School great! :D

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